Projects sometimes require a ‘special’ approach, requiring additional tools on site.
Efcon Water supplies special ‘system boxes’ that can be connected to our standard Efconomy and/or Efcon Industrial sampling cabinets. These system boxes can be fitted with piping (PE, PVC or stainless steel) of various diameters with an EMF flowmeter, in-line sampler and measuring equipment connected to it.
The piping can be adapted for flow measurement, maintenance and verification of the built-in flowmeter. A built-in pump controller can control our 2 “and 3 “vortex pumps to create a pressure line from a well. An air compressor enables on-site use of the in-line sampler.
Efcon also has self-emptying and cleaning drums in the package, so there is always a 24-hour collection sample on hand, without having to empty and clean the drums.