EN 16479 & EN ISO 5667 certified

The Efcon Peristaltic Sampler is equipped with reliable basic hardware and standard electronics.

Although the design is aimed at long-term reliable sampling with minimal downtime, the maintenance frequency in permanent use is definitely higher than with a vacuum sampler. The peristaltic sampler can take samples from a well and/or channel and has a 9 mm diameter hose.

Mount the end (inlet) of the suction hose at a fixed representative point to sample homogeneous wastewater. Ensure that the suction hose always exits into the wastewater / medium and that the opening is not blocked.

  • Before sampling, the peristaltic pump will blow the suction line clean to take as homogeneous a sample as possible and remove blockages.
  • The peristaltic pump will change rotation direction and start sucking the sample up to the medium sensor. If no medium is measured, this will result in a false sample.
  • After this, the pump rotates some more and the sample falls into the container.
  • The direction of rotation changes and the pump will remove the excess medium.

Caution! Not allowed for billing in the Netherlands!
A peristaltic sampler needs regular cleaning of the sample hose and water level detector.

  • Maximum suction height: 8 metres
  • Maximum suction length: 30 metres

The contact level indicator operates at a minimum wastewater conductivity of 50 µs. When conductivity drops too deeply (in the case of demi or pure rainwater), an optional capacity switch can be added to create a fully functioning level detection system.

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